Your Career: Finding Your Niche
In today's highly competitive legal marketplace, everybody is looking for a way to make themselves stand out from the competition. Career coaches will offer many valuable suggestions, but one significant way to stand out from the crowd is to become an expert in a niche practice.
A niche practitioner is an attorney who focuses in one distinct legal practice area. Niche practices can be general or specific. An attorney can have a general niche in areas such as intellectual property law, family law, insurance law, bankruptcy law or securities law, or a specific niche in areas such as water law, medical marijuana law, video game law, lemon law, social media law, nanny law or election law. The general niche practice areas offer larger potential client pools than the other more limited, specific niches.
Finding the right niche is an embarkation on a professional journey. It requires introspection, and figuring out what the answers are to these two, fundamental questions: (1) Whom do you want to be? And (2) why would a client come to you over someone else?
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