Litigation has been a core part of the firm's practice since 1927. Our Litigation Practice today consists of approximately 250 attorneys nationwide to serve our clients' needs. Sheppard Mullin litigators possess exceptional trial and appellate skills, in-depth knowledge of state and federal courts at all levels, and practical business judgment, all of which contribute to our consistent delivery of cost-effective results. Due to our landmark year of class action victories, Law360 selected Sheppard Mullin as a 2022 Class Action Practice Group of the Year. Read more about our historic year of class action victories on behalf of our clients here.
Sheppard Mullin's Litigation Practice involves all aspects of business and commercial litigation, including antitrust, creditors' rights, banking and financial institutions, construction, communications, general business, insurance, intellectual property, products liability, professional liability defense, real estate, environmental, securities, white collar criminal defense, and trust and estate litigation.
Our litigators represent clients in a broad spectrum of industries such as computers and information technology, financial services, aerospace, manufacturing, transportation, communications, pharmaceuticals, advertising, print and broadcast media, franchising, petroleum production and refining, real estate, insurance, construction, and food and beverage manufacturing, among others.
The attorneys in our Litigation Practice also have substantial experience in various vehicles for dispute resolution, including litigation, arbitration, and mediation.
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Areas Of Experience
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Appellate
- Bankruptcy Litigation
- Brand and Reputation Management
- Class Action Defense
- Distressed Real Estate Loan Workouts and Enforcement
- E-Discovery
- Environmental Litigation
- Financial Services Litigation
- Insurance
- International Arbitration
- Private Wealth and Fiduciary Litigation
- Professional Liability
- Proposition 65
- Securities Enforcement
- Securities Litigation
- Toxic Tort and Product Liability
- Nadia D. Adams
- Christian Adriatico
- Kristin H. Agnew
- Benjamin Aigboboh
- Valerie E. Alter
- Lucas Amodio
- Emily D. Anderson
- Julia Anderson
- Travis J. Anderson
- Nathan S. Arrington
- Victoria Ayeni
- Jennifer Klein Ayers
- Hallie Aylesworth
- Richard Azada
- Suzanne Y. Badawi
- Tyler E. Baker
- Elizabeth S. Balfour
- Alexandra M. Banis
- Gregory P. Barbee
- Christopher L. Bauer
- Robert S. Beall
- Michael L. Bean
- Amanda E. Beckwith
- Preston B. Bennett
- David M. Berger
- Gene R. Besen
- Luke Bickel
- Anastasia K. Billy
- Daniel J. Birmingham
- Sarah A. K. Blitz
- Christopher J. Bosch
- Townsend L. Bourne
- Mitchell M. Bower
- Katherine Anne Boy Skipsey
- J. Randall Boyer
- Steven P. Braccini
- Jenny Hill Bratt
- Dane C. Brody Chanove
- Benjamin D. Brooks
- John T. Brooks
- Samuel G. Brooks
- Daniel L. Brown
- Martin A. Bruehs
- Khirin A. Bunker
- Jack Burns
- Alicia L. Burrell
- Alexandra Bustamante Leal
- Sophia L. Cahill
- Stephanie P. Calnan
- Craig Cardon
- Carolyn Carey
- John D. Carroll
- Leo Caseria
- Justine M. Casey
- Angeles Garcia Cassin
- Benjamin G. Chew
- David B. Chidlaw
- Michael J. Chilleen
- Chloe Chung
- Jonathan E. Clark
- Kevin M. Cloutier
- Stephen A. Cohen
- Crispin L. Collins
- Maria-Laura Coltre
- Jeffrey V. Commisso
- Lex Conboy
- Erinn M. Contreras
- Michelle Cooper
- Amanda L. Cottrell
- Joseph F. Coyne, Jr.
- Andrew C. Crawford
- R. Randal Crispen
- Andre J. Cronthall
- Jeffrey S. Crowe
- Emily Dalessio
- Charles A. Danaher
- Andrew C. Dane
- Anne-Marie D. Dao
- Brian M. Daucher
- Wynter L. Deagle
- MaryJeanette Dee
- Joe Denapole
- Jordan S. Derringer
- John C. Dineen
- Kunchok Dolma
- Stacy M. Dominguez
- David L. Douglass
- John G. Doyle
- Michael T. Driscoll
- Tifenn Drouaud
- Samuel D. Duimovich
- David E. Dworsky
- Louise Dyble
- Melissa K. Eaves
- John D. Edson
- Patrick R. Emerson
- Michael A. Erdmann
- Shawn D. Fabian
- Jenna A. Fasone
- Andrea Feathers
- Marc J. Feldman
- David T. Fischer
- Kendal Fletcher
- Joseph E. Foss
- Robert K. Foster
- Stephen E. Fox
- Dwight Francis
- Nina C. Franco
- Joanna D. Frazier
- Melissa Freeling
- Richard M. Freeman
- Richard A. Friedman
- Robert S. Friedman
- Harris Gao
- Michelle Garabetian
- Paul W. Garrity
- J. Cameron Gates
- Nathan R. Gencarella
- Ronald D. Getchey
- Erica C. Gibbons
- Lea E. Gierut
- Michael J. Gilbert
- James Glassman
- Lillian K. Glenister
- Charles Glover
- Helene Gogadze
- Zachary Golda
- Keith A. Goodwin
- Bradley C. Graveline
- Robert Green
- Mary E. Gregory
- Robert J. Guite
- Ava Habibian
- Shin Y. Hahn
- Matthew G. Halgren
- Melanie M. Hamilton
- Sami Hasan
- Michael R. Heimbold
- John R. Hempill
- Sascha Henry
- Kelly L. Hensley
- Whitney Hodges
- Jennifer Hoffman
- Jason C. Hoggan
- Matthew W. Holder
- Steven P. Hollman
- Kristin P. Housh
- Sydney Hunemuller
- Gregory F. Hurley
- James Y. Hurt
- Wook Hwang
- Samuel Z. Hyams-Millard
- Alexandra ("A.J.") Jackson
- Ronda D. Jamgotchian
- A. Joseph Jay III
- Patricia M. Jeng
- Lisa D. Johnson
- Michelle D. Kahn
- William K. Kane
- Harrison H. Kang
- Jason W. Kearnaghan
- Tracey A. Kennedy
- Jeff Kern
- Moe Keshavarzi
- Stuart Key
- John E. Kiley
- Sean J. Kirby
- Peter H. Klee
- Tomasene A. Knight
- Elisha J. Kobre
- Stephen S. Korniczky
- Charles L. Kreindler
- Michael C. Krill
- Tori D. Kutzner
- Natassia Kwan
- John M. Landry
- Chris Lawrence
- Jennifer N. Le
- Jared K. LeBeau
- Sieun J. Lee
- Meredith Lerner
- Lisa M. Lewis
- Elijah Lichtenberg
- Christopher M. Loveland
- Todd E. Lundell
- J. Scott Maberry
- Madalyn A. Macarr
- Mehul N. Madia
- Robert L. Magielnicki
- Paul Malingagio
- Aaron J. Malo
- Taylor L. Mangan
- Micaela D. Manley
- T. Sean Mann-O'Halloran
- Raymond C. Marshall
- John Marston
- Alan H. Martin
- Robert M. Masters
- Bill Mateja
- Imad S. Matini
- Theodore C. Max
- Matthew S. McConnell
- Meghan K. McCormick
- Megan K. McKisson
- Anna S. McLean
- Taryn McPherson
- Abby Meyer
- Jonathan E. Meyer
- Jessica N. Meyers
- Ian A. Michalak
- Melissa M. Mikail
- Abigail M. Miles
- Grace S. Miller
- Marisa B. Miller
- Samuel A. Moniz
- Alejandro E. Moreno
- Teresa R. Morin
- Kevin Murphy
- John V. Mysliwiec
- Jared P. Nagley
- Kazim A. Naqvi
- Luke Nelson
- Angelica H. Nguyen
- Barclay R. Nicholson
- Scarlett Singleton Nokes
- Kenneth A. O'Brien, Jr.
- Sean P. O'Connor
- Stephen J. O'Neil
- Katherine H. Oblak
- Emily J. Oetting
- Aimee Cook Oleson
- Nina Orteza
- Matthew R. Owens
- Hyo Jin Paik
- Thomas V. Panoff
- Jeffrey J. Parker
- Angelo Pavone
- Joseph C. Peacock
- Jennifer E. Pennington
- Cesar Pereira
- Anne Bluth Perry
- Shannon Z. Petersen
- Sara Pfeiffer
- Jacob Phillips
- Heather L. Plocky
- David M. Poell
- Neil A.F. Popović
- Gazal Pour-Moezzi
- Ce-Lai Powell Fong
- Tomas A. Pradia
- Leo J. Presiado
- Dylan J. Price
- Thomas R. Proctor
- Lisa Yun Pruitt
- Fred R. Puglisi
- Mark G. Rackers
- Jay Ramsey
- Eric Raphan
- Mark T. Ratway
- Kent R. Raygor
- Ram Reddy
- Jennifer G. Redmond
- J.D. Rees
- Nancy Baldwin Reimann
- Tom Reklaitis
- Allison Martin Rhodes
- Katherine B. Rice
- Tenaya Rodewald
- Max Rogers
- Kari M. Rollins
- Saul S. Rostamian
- Joseph L. Roth
- Whitney Jones Roy
- Scott F. Roybal
- Patrick D. Rubalcava IV
- Kate Rumsey
- Bridget Russell
- Kathryn Ryan
- Dimiana Saad
- James Salem
- Rana Salem
- Katherine C. Sample
- Robert A. Sanders
- David S. Sanson
- Joshua Schlenger
- Daniel E. Schnapp
- Ira M. Schulman
- Ericka J. Schulz
- Mathew S. Schutzer
- David A. Schwarz
- Paul Seeley
- Venus Shaghaghi
- Paras V. Shah
- Abraham J. Shanedling
- Willa Sharpe
- Linda Z. Shen
- Calla Simeone
- Damani C. Sims
- Joy O. Siu
- Kevin J. Smith
- Nikole Snyder
- Mona Solouki
- Alyssa Sones
- Lauren Sonnenberg
- Corey F. Steady
- Michael D. Stewart
- John P. Stigi III
- Jonathan Stoler
- Skylar Stoudt
- Adam F. Streisand
- Lauren Strickroth
- Meghan M. Stuer
- Robert J. Stumpf, Jr.
- Robert T. Sturgeon
- E. Gail Suchman
- Juthamas Judy Suwatanapongched
- Scott R. Sveslosky
- Siena C. Sylvester
- Mary E. Tarduno
- Olivier F. Theard
- Dave Thomas
- Philip Thompson
- Polly Towill
- Paul M. Tyson
- Honieh Udenka
- Blaine Valencia
- Nicholas W. van Aelstyn
- Nicholas J. Van Brunt
- Doug Van Gessel
- Christopher Van Gundy
- Camille M. Vasquez
- Danielle Vrabie
- Sylvia Waghorne
- Nolan J. Walter
- Andrea S. Warren
- Robert D. Weber
- Isaiah Z. Weedn
- Paul A. Werner
- Chante B. Westmoreland
- Jocelyn J. Whiteley
- Hannah J. Wigger
- Tara Wilcox
- Robert J. Winson
- Michelle LaVoie Wisniewski
- Mariah A. Witt
- Bryan M. Wittlin
- Allison Wong
- Katie Wood
- John A. Yacovelle
- Y. Douglas Yang
- Golnaz Yazdchi
- Lai L. Yip
- Anna Jane I. Zarndt
- Amanda B. Zemel
- Theona Zhordania