New Law Extends Expiration Dates for Tentative Maps
Governor Schwarzenegger signed a new bill into law on July 15, 2008, that automatically extends the life of all unexpired tentative maps and vesting tentative maps by one year. The bill was an urgency measure, so it takes effect immediately. As a result, the expiration dates for all tentative and vesting tentative maps that were valid as of July 15, 2008 and that without this bill would otherwise have expired before January 1, 2011, are automatically extended by one year. Related legislative, administrative or other approvals issued by a state agency are automatically extended by one year as well. The bill also gives local agencies the discretion to extend tentative and vesting tentative maps by an additional year. These extensions are in addition to any other extension available under local ordinances or the Subdivision Map Act.
This new law is intended to help developers through tough economic times and avoid the unnecessary and costly expiration of tentative maps. Note that the new law does not extend the term of local agency issued approvals such as design review, development, conditional use, or building permits.