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California Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law Book


The new edition of the California Antitrust & Unfair Competition Law book authored by Carlton Varner and Tom Nevins is available. This new edition includes developments through the middle of 2005. It is designed to provide the basics of California competition law to corporate counsel and assist them in identifying issues that may require further analysis. It sets forth the basic rules on pricing and distribution practices such as exclusive dealing, territorial and customer restrictions, and below cost pricing which may or may not be unlawful depending on the facts and circumstances. It also discussed the impact of the passage of Proposition 64 on competition law, government and private enforcement, and includes an Appendix which contains the key statutes. This publication is a useful deskbook reference for corporate counsel, judges and others who occasionally encounter issues relating to California competition laws.

To view book in its entirety, please click here.

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