140 Sheppard Mullin Attorneys Named 2019 "Best Lawyers in America"
140 Sheppard Mullin attorneys have been recognized in the 2019 edition of Best Lawyers in America. In addition, 6 Sheppard Mullin attorneys were selected as “Lawyer of the Year”:
Dean A. Demetre (Orange County)
Banking and Finance Law
Ori Katz (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Peter H. Klee (San Diego)
Insurance Law
Mark S. Ross (San Francisco)
Labor Law - Management
Michael R. Moore (San Diego)
Health Care Law
Randolph C. Visser (Los Angeles)
Environmental Law
Sheppard Mullin Attorneys Recognized in 2019 edition of Best Lawyers in America.
Michael H. Ahrens (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Litigation - Bankruptcy
Eric L. Altman (New York)
Real Estate Law
Edward V. Anderson (Palo Alto)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Martin R. Bader (Del Mar)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Charles F. Barker (Los Angeles)
Employment Law - Management
Lawrence M. Braun (Los Angeles)
Corporate Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law
John T. Brooks (San Diego)
Insurance Law
Richard W. Brunette, Jr. (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Litigation - Bankruptcy
Terrence E. Budny (Chicago)
Real Estate Law
Laura M. Burson (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
Craig P. Cardon (Century City)
Media Law
Steven W. Cardoza (Century City)
Commercial Finance Law
Peter H. Carson (San Francisco)
Banking and Finance Law
Securitization and Structured Finance Law
James M. Chadwick (Palo Alto)
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Entertainment Law - Music
First Amendment Law
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Steven J. Chananie (New York)
Health Care Law
Bruce G. Chapman (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
David B. Chidlaw (San Diego)
Employment Law - Management
Litigation - Labor and Employment
John W. Chierichella (Washington, D.C.)
Administrative / Regulatory Law
Gary A. Clark (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
Shaun C. Clark (Century City)
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Kevin M. Cloutier (Chicago)
Labor Law - Management
John D. Collins (Del Mar)
Employment Law - Management
Labor Law - Management
Andre J. Cronthall (Los Angeles)
Insurance Law
Robert G. Copeland (San Diego)
Corporate Law
Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law
Venture Capital Law
Joseph F. Coyne, Jr. (Los Angeles)
Antitrust Law
Commercial Litigation
Randal Crispen (San Diego)
Insurance Law
Jeffrey S. Crowe (Century City)
Litigation - Insurance
Guylyn R. Cummins (San Diego)
First Amendment Law
Litigation - First Amendment
Media Law
James E. Curry (Los Angeles)
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Labor and Employment
Aytan Dahukey (Century City)
Health Care Law
Bryan D. Daly (Los Angeles)
Criminal Defense: General Practice
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Charles A. Danaher (San Diego)
Commercial Litigation
Insurance Law
Robert A. Darwell (Los Angeles)
Advertising Law
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Brian M. Daucher (Century City)
Commercial Litigation
Litigation - Health Care
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Judy V. Davidoff (San Francisco)
Land Use and Zoning Law
MaryJeanette Dee (New York)
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Dean A. Demetre (Century City)
Banking and Finance Law
Gemma L. Descoteaux (Dallas)
Corporate Law
Mergers and Acquisitions Law
Charles S. Donovan (San Francisco)
Admiralty and Maritime Law
Domenic Drago (Del Mar)
Real Estate Law
Dana J. Dunwoody (Del Mar)
Litigation - Banking and Finance
Litigation - Real Estate
Lawrence C. Eppley (Chicago)
Real Estate Law
Alan M. Feld (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Marc J. Feldman (San Diego)
Insurance Law
Sidney S. Fohrman (Los Angeles)
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Stephen E. Fox (Dallas)
Employment Law - Management
Labor Law - Management
Litigation - Labor and Employment
Dwight M. Francis (Dallas)
Commercial Litigation
Darren M. Franklin (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Patent
Geraldine Ann Freeman (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Arthur J. Friedman (San Francisco)
Land Use and Zoning Law
Litigation - Land Use and Zoning
James W. Geriak (Century City)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Patent Law
Jay E. Gerzog (New York)
Health Care Law
Doug Van Gessel (San Francisco)
Real Estate Law
Randolph B. Godshall (Century City)
Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Trusts and Estates
Joseph G. Gorman, Jr. (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Trusts and Estates
Jerry J. Gumpel (Del Mar)
Real Estate Law
Guy N. Halgren (San Diego)
Employment Law - Management
Labor Law - Management
Gary L. Halling (San Francisco)
Antitrust Law
Harold E. Hamersmith (Los Angeles)
Construction Law
Litigation - Construction
John R. Hempill (New York)
Corporate Law
Sascha Henry (Los Angeles)
Commercial Litigation
John J. Hentrich (Del Mar)
Corporate Law
Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Law
Nancy E. Howard (Los Angeles)
Trusts and Estates
Gregory F. Hurley (Century City)
Mass Tort Litigation / Class Actions - Defendants
David M. Hymer (San Diego)
Real Estate Law
Martin D. Katz (Los Angeles)
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Ori Katz (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Seong H. Kim (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Peter H. Klee (San Diego)
Insurance Law
Eric A. Klein (Los Angeles)
Health Care Law
Richard W. Kopenhefer (Los Angeles)
Employment Law - Individuals
Labor Law - Management
Stephen S. Korniczky (Del Mar)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Patent
Patent Law
Steven O. Kramer (Los Angeles)
Energy Law
Charles L. Kreindler (Los Angeles)
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Stephen R. LaSala (Del Mar)
Corporate Law
Michael M. Lauter (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Thomas Glen Leo (Los Angeles)
Banking and Finance Law
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Brent R. Liljestrom (Century City)
Real Estate Law
Gregory A. Long (Los Angeles)
Commercial Litigation
Scott Maberry (Washington, D.C.)
International Trade and Finance Law
Aaron J. Malo (Century City)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Commercial Litigation
Raymond C. Marshall (San Francisco)
Commercial Litigation
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Lisa M. Martens (Del Mar)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Trademark Law
Alan H. Martin (Century City)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Litigation - Bankruptcy
Barrett Marum (San Diego)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Thomas J. Masenga (Los Angeles)
Real Estate Law
William B. Mateja (Dallas)
Commercial Litigation
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Litigation - Regulatory Enforcement (SEC, Telecom, Energy)
Litigation - Securities
Kyle J. Mathews (Los Angeles)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
David J. McCarty (Los Angeles)
Banking and Finance Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
David J. McCarty (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Bankruptcy
James L. McGinnis (San Francisco)
Antitrust Law
Michael G. McKinnon (Century City)
Corporate Law
Peter M. Menard (Los Angeles)
Corporate Law
Linda Giunta Michaelson (Los Angeles)
Entertainment Law - Motion Pictures and Television
Scott R. Miller (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Patent
Michael R. Moore (San Diego)
Health Care Law
Scott A. Morehouse (Century City)
Real Estate Law
Sean P. O'Connor (Century City)
Commercial Litigation
Mark T. Okuma (Los Angeles)
Real Estate Law
Jeffrey J. Parker (Los Angeles)
Environmental Law
Litigation - Environmental
Brian J. Pass (Los Angeles)
Information Technology Law
Jill M. Pietrini (Los Angeles)
Copyright Law
John E. Ponder (San Diego)
Land Use and Zoning Law
Real Estate Law
Maria Pracher (San Francisco)
Land Use and Zoning Law
Fred R. Puglisi (Los Angeles)
Commercial Litigation
Kent R. Raygor (Los Angeles)
Media Law
Thomas G. Reddy (San Francisco)
Banking and Finance Law
Financial Services Regulation Law
Nancy Baldwin Reimann (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Trusts and Estates
Jennifer E. Renk (San Francisco)
Real Estate Law
Robert D. Rose (San Diego)
Criminal Defense: White-Collar
Mark S. Ross (San Francisco)
Employment Law - Management
Labor Law - Management
Steven B. Sacks (San Francisco)
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
David H. Sands (Los Angeles)
Corporate Law
Robert G. Sbardellati (San Diego)
Corporate Law
Steven G. Schortgen (Dallas)
Patent Law
Nancy T. Scull (San Diego)
Real Estate Law
Richard J. Simmons (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Labor and Employment
Martin J. Smith (Los Angeles)
Employee Benefits (ERISA) Law
Adam F. Streisand (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Robert J. Stumpf, Jr. (San Francisco)
Appellate Practice
Mark F. Sundback (Washington, D.C.)
Energy Law
Christine L. Swanick (New York)
Native American Law
Dave Thomas (Washington, D.C.)
Communications Law
David C. Ulich (Los Angeles)
Tax Law
Robert J. Uram (San Francisco)
Land Use and Zoning Law
Natural Resources Law
Water Law
Nicholas J. Van Brunt (Los Angeles)
Litigation - Trusts and Estates
Trusts and Estates
Randolph C. Visser (Los Angeles)
Environmental Law
Edward D. Vogel (San Diego)
Commercial Litigation
Karin Dougan Vogel (San Diego)
Appellate Practice
Wilda Wahpepah (Washington, D.C.)
Native American Law
Roburt J. Waldow (Century City)
Tax Law
Brian D. Weimer (Washington, D.C.)
Communications Law
Pamela L. Westhoff (Los Angeles)
Real Estate Law
Michele E. Williams (Washington, D.C.)
Real Estate Law
Robert E. Williams (Los Angeles)
Real Estate Law
Michael B. Wilmar (San Francisco)
Land Use and Zoning Law
William R. Wyatt (Palo Alto)
Banking and Finance Law
John A. Yacovelle (Del Mar)
Commercial Litigation
Daniel N. Yannuzzi (Del Mar)
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Patent Law
Kenneth Yood (Los Angeles)
Administrative / Regulatory Law
Health Care Law
- Martin Bader
- Charles F. Barker
- Lawrence M. Braun
- John T. Brooks
- Richard W. Brunette, Jr.
- Craig Cardon
- Steven Warren Cardoza
- Peter Carson
- Steven J. Chananie
- David B. Chidlaw
- John W. Chierichella
- Shaun C. Clark
- Kevin M. Cloutier
- John D. Collins
- Joseph F. Coyne, Jr.
- R. Randal Crispen
- Andre J. Cronthall
- Jeffrey S. Crowe
- Aytan Dahukey
- Bryan D. Daly
- Charles A. Danaher
- Robert A. Darwell
- Brian M. Daucher
- MaryJeanette Dee
- Domenic C. Drago
- Lawrence C. Eppley
- Alan M. Feld
- Marc J. Feldman
- Stephen E. Fox
- Dwight Francis
- Darren M. Franklin
- Geraldine Ann Freeman
- Arthur J. Friedman
- Jay E. Gerzog
- Jerry J. Gumpel
- Guy N. Halgren
- Gary L. Halling
- Hal Hamersmith
- John R. Hempill
- Sascha Henry
- Nancy Howard
- Gregory F. Hurley
- David M. Hymer
- Martin D. Katz
- Ori Katz
- Peter H. Klee
- Eric A. Klein
- Richard W. Kopenhefer
- Stephen S. Korniczky
- Charles L. Kreindler
- Stephen R. LaSala
- Michael M. Lauter
- J. Scott Maberry
- Aaron J. Malo
- Raymond C. Marshall
- Lisa M. Martens
- Alan H. Martin
- Bill Mateja
- Kyle J. Mathews
- Linda Giunta Michaelson
- Michael R. Moore
- Scott A. Morehouse
- Sean P. O'Connor
- Mark T. Okuma
- Jeffrey J. Parker
- Jill Pietrini
- John E. Ponder
- Fred R. Puglisi
- Kent R. Raygor
- Nancy Baldwin Reimann
- Jennifer E. Renk
- Robert D. Rose
- David H. Sands
- Robert G. Sbardellati
- Steven G. Schortgen
- Nancy T. Scull
- Richard J. Simmons
- Martin J. Smith
- Adam F. Streisand
- Robert J. Stumpf, Jr.
- Mark F. Sundback
- Christine L. Swanick
- Dave Thomas
- Nicholas J. Van Brunt
- Doug Van Gessel
- Edward D. Vogel
- Karin Dougan Vogel
- Brian D. Weimer
- Pamela L. Westhoff
- William R. Wyatt
- John A. Yacovelle
- Daniel N. Yannuzzi