Wrongful Discharge, Staff Reduction And Employment Practices Manual - 5th Edition
The Wrongful Discharge, Staff Reduction And Employment Practices Manual by Attorney Richard J. Simmons of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP is an essential manual for every employer in the nation. Finally — a publication that advises employers how to avoid lawsuits and increase the likelihood of prevailing when suits are filed. It is a desk reference that guides employers through the process of discipline, documentation, and termination practices. A resource that every person involved in hiring, evaluating or disciplining should have.
This is the first publication that addresses the full range of employer responsibilities when evaluating and administering key personnel and disciplinary actions. It sets out a step-by-step guide to assist employers to create and administer an effective performance evaluation system. It also contains helpful policies and forms. It is considered a practical and legal guide for HR representatives, managers, employment attorneys and HR consultants.
To order this book, please visit http://www.castlepublications.com