Managing IP While Using Open Source: Copyright Licenses With Patent Challenges
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. EST
Open source offers many benefits to companies that use it. However, some companies fear that if they incorporate open source into their products or make their code open source they will lose control over its IP or risk litigation.
Many IP issues involved in open source are often overlooked, including significant patent issues. Among these challenges are express and implied patent license grants in open source licenses. Further, while what is patent eligible in the context of software-related inventions is not always clear, open source software can be patented.
IP counsel to companies considering or using open source must determine how to protect IP related to software using open source and how patent provisions of open source licenses impact the company’s IP.
Listen as our authoritative panel of IP attorneys discusses the risks of using open source software code and how companies can benefit from open source while protecting IP rights. The panel will also review patent issues arising in open source, litigation that has involved open source, and litigation strategies relating to patents and open source.
Speaker: James Gatto, Partner