Theories and Assessment of Harm in Data Privacy and Data Breach Class Action
11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. CT
Sheppard Mullin Speaker:
Kari Rollins
The COVID-19 pandemic, which has generated a surge in telehealth and introduced the concept of contact tracing into our daily lives, is likely to expose businesses and governments to an increased risk of data privacy and data breach class actions related to health and other personal data. This session will review potential theories of harm as well as economic approaches and challenges to valuing, in class action settings, alleged unconsented use or misappropriation of health and other private data generated during this healthcare crisis.
About the Event:
The ABA Health Law Section’s 22nd Annual Emerging Issues in Healthcare Law Virtual Conference covers the most compelling topics facing the healthcare bar. As our industry continues to evolve through healthcare reform and enforcement, this conference presents an incredible opportunity to stay ahead of the trends.
Our faculty of leading healthcare experts will provide you with an insiders’ view of the cutting-edge topics and timely issues affecting the industry today. They will guide you through critical discussions that include the future of federal and state healthcare programs, medical-legal partnerships, prioritizing diversity and inclusion in the industry, big data, AI, and updated Stark information. The practical, real-world improvement strategies shared at this conference will help you work more efficiently and effectively for your clients.
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