IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2025
Instructor-led IAPP Foundations of Privacy and Data Protection training provides a base understanding of privacy principles and operations to organizations and individual professionals.
Foundations enables companies and institutions to quickly and thoroughly train their staffs to meet growing privacy responsibilities in areas such as marketing, human resources, technology and finance. The training also defines a common privacy vocabulary that ensures staff members understand each other’s priorities and can express privacy needs clearly to all levels of their companies and institutions.
The curriculum covers key privacy and data protection concepts, the Fair Information Practices, the data life cycle, major approaches to and overviews of privacy legislation around the world, and emerging issues in privacy. It also includes case studies of successful and unsuccessful responses to privacy and data protection issues.
What you will receive:
- A day-long class led by an experienced instructor.
- Participant guide — print copy to be picked up on-site.
- Instruction and content developed by the world’s foremost experts in privacy and data protection exclusively for the IAPP.
- Review questions and a comprehensive assessment to check your mastery of the subject matter.
What you will take away:
- Knowledge you need to advance a career in privacy and related fields.
- In-demand skills you can start applying right away.
- A vocabulary of essential privacy terminology.
- Preparation for advanced privacy training and IAPP certification.
- Liisa Thomas, Lead, Privacy and Cybersecurity Practice and Chicago Office Managing Partner, Sheppard Mullin
Click here to register.