Gabrielle de Langle is a Legal Consultant in the Antitrust and Competition group of the Governmental Practice in the firm’s Brussels office. Gabrielle’s practice focuses on EU competition law issues (antitrust & competition investigations, merger control, State aid), EU litigation, EU internal market rules and other EU regulatory matters.
Gabrielle graduated from Université Paris V (BA in Law and Business Economics and Management Degree) and from Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (Master 1 Business Law and Master 2 European business Law and Competition Law).
Prior to joining Sheppard Mullin, Gabrielle completed a traineeship at the European Commission (DG COMP, unit in charge of enforcement and monitoring of State aid).
B.A., Law and Business Economics and Management, Université Paris V
Master 1 Business Law and Master 2 European business Law and Competition Law, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas