Jacques Derenne is the head of the EU Competition & Regulatory practice in Sheppard Mullin’s Brussels office. He is a member of the Brussels and Paris bars. He is also a Professor at the University of Liège and at the Brussels School of Competition.
Areas of Practice
Jacques has over 30 years of EU competition law experience across all areas, including mergers, cartels, abuses of dominance and State aid. He has developed a particular expertise in EU regulatory and related competition law issues in a number of highly regulated industries, including energy, the postal sector, aviation, railways, communications (telecoms, satellites, audio-visual) and tobacco products. Jacques regularly appears at competition hearings before the European Commission, and pleads cases before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union, national competition authorities, the Belgian and French courts and various regulatory bodies.
Publications and Teaching Engagements
Jacques co-directed and co-authored studies for the European Commission on the enforcement of State aid rules at the national level (2006 and 2009), which contributed to the Commission's Recovery and Enforcement Notices in 2007 and 2009 respectively.
He co-edited a book on the Enforcement of EU State aid law at national level - 2010 - Reports from the 27 Member States (Lexxion, October 2010), and has written quarterly comments on State aid case law and the Commission’s decisional practice in the journal Concurrences since 2004 (together with EU officials).
Jacques teaches competition law (State aid) at the University of Liège and at the Brussels School of Competition. He also publishes widely on various other EU constitutional, competition, and regulatory issues, such as on antitrust damages or on the res judicata principle vs. the principles of primacy and effectiveness of EU law. He regularly speaks at competition conferences.
Jacques is a founding member of the Global Competition Law Centre (College of Europe, Scientific Council and Executive Committee).
Noteworthy Experience
Mergers - Jacques has worked on some of the most complex and challenging global merger control cases, for instance on the €12 billion acquisition by GE of Alstom energy business and the acquisition by Alstom of GE’s Intelligent Transportation Solutions business (rail signaling). The energy deal involved a series of complicated remedies and multijurisdictional filings in over 25 countries.
Cartels - Cartels and investigations is another area in which Jacques has developed a track-record and an ability to guide clients through troubled waters. Jacques represented Alstom in the EU/non- EU gas insulated switchgears (fine reduction) and power transformers (annulment of the decision) cases. He also successfully defended Korean Air in the EU air cargo investigation (no infringement finding, no fine) and SkyTeam cases.
State aid - Jacques' State aid experience spans more than three decades, during which time he has acted for beneficiaries, competitors and Member States before the European Commission, EU courts and national courts. The successful restructuring of Alstom in 2003-2004 was one of his landmark State aid cases. He also advised Air France-KLM in securing the European Commission’s approval for up to €4 billion in French State aid to recapitalise Air France to help it overcome the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and plan for the future.
EU Litigation – Jacques represented clients such as DHL, FedEx, Philip Morris, or Alstom in complex EU and competition law cases before the EU courts. Recent or pending EU litigation cases involve clients such as Brussels Airlines (aid at airports), Ullens de Schooten (internal market, EU constitutional law issues), Tempus Energy (annulment of the Commission’s decision approving the UK energy capacity mechanism) or Viorel Micula and others (arbitration damages award under a bilateral investment treaty, international law and EU State aid law – challenging the Commission’s decision prohibiting Romania from paying damages ordered under an ICSID arbitral award).
EU law regulatory – Jacques has been deeply involved in the liberalization process of nearly all regulated sectors since the early 1990s: the postal sector, the telecommunications/satellite sector, the energy sector, the aviation sector, the audio-visual sector. His current regulatory practice in these sectors draws from this longstanding experience.
Jacques Derenne is a highly regarded competition law practitioner across all Global and European competition rankings, including in:
Chambers (Europe and Global)
Benchmark Litigation
The Who's Who Legal, Guide to the World's Leading Competition Lawyers/Economists
The Best Lawyers® Belgium list
Who's Who Legal: Thought Leaders - Global Elite: Competition and Competition: State Aid
Business Today's Top 10 Influential State Aid Lawyers in Belgium
"Jacques Derenne of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP comes highly regarded for his State aid expertise, where he is recognised as a stellar practitioner and one of the top names in Belgium. Clients declare that he is 'clearly an expert within his subject area.'" (Chambers Europe).
Sources say that Jacques is "clearly an expert in the area of state aid law," adding: "He is one of the most knowledgeable lawyers in this practice area, which is a benefit to us because he has credibility before the European Commission." (Chambers Europe)
He is recognised by his clients as "a real EU-law street fighter. He is very hard-working, tenacious and is not afraid of coming up with creative solutions" (Chambers Europe)
Jacques is a "Star Individual" for State aid in Chambers Europe and features among the 12 Leading Individuals in Legal 500 (EU competition in Brussels).
Jacques is also rated "excellent" by LeadersLeague directory and in JUVE for Competition Law.
He was named a Thought Leader in Antitrust/Competition Law and Government, Public Sector by Mondaq, Autumn 2023.
[List limited to articles and books since 2012]
- EU State Aid Control During COVID-19, Competition Law International, Vol 16, No 1, October 2020, pp 21-30.
- A Chronicle on the Application of the EU State Aid Rules in Belgian Cases in 2017-2019, Competitio, 2020, pp 207-228.
- Review of the June 18, 2019 ruling EU General Court, Micula, Joined Cases T-624/15, T-694/15 and T-704/15, e-Competition Bulletin blog, June 2019
- Morceaux choisis de récents développements du droit des aides d’Etat (Selected pieces of recent State aid law developments), Contrats concurrence Consommation (proceedings of AFEC Conference of May 23, 2019 in Paris) n°7, July 2019
- Quarterly case comments on State aid in Revue Concurrences since 2004 (in French)
- Aid Recovery, in State Aid in the Energy Sector, L. Hancher, A. de Hauteclocque, F. Maria Salerno, co-eds, Hart Publishing, Florence School of Regulation, 2018, pp. 496, spec. pp. 1-25
- The Powers and Obligations of National Courts with Regard to Unlawful State Aid: Lessons from CELF I and CELF II, in Milestones in State aid case law, Estali, Milestones in State Aid Case Law, EStAL’s First 15 Years in Perspective, C. Buts & J.-L. Buendía Sierra, co-eds, Lexxion, 2017, pp. 342-355
- Distortion of Competition and Effect on Trade Between Member States in EU State Aid Control: Law and Economics, Chapter 5 (with Vincent Verouden), Wolters Kluwer, 2017, pp. 20 (Philipp Werner, Vincent Verouden (eds))
- Commission v World Duty Free Group a.o.: selectivity in (fiscal) State aid: quo vadis Curia?, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, 2017, Vol. 8, No. 5, Oxford University, pp. 311-313
- Chronique de jurisprudence européenne - Aides d’État (2011-2015), Chapitre 1 – Les règles de fond, Cahiers de droit européen, 2016/2, pp. 687 – 827 (a comprehensive review of the EU case law on State aid), with Marianne Dony
- Chronique « Aides d’Etat »: Application des règles sur les aides d’Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européenne, Commission européenne). Années 2014, 2015, 2016, Revue de la Concurrence Belge – Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging (with Wim Vandenberghe), 2017/3, pp. 1-50
- L’autorité de chose jugée à l ’épreuve du droit de l’Union européenne – Du principe d’effectivité en général et des règles spécifiques en matière d’aides d’État en particulier, in Contentieux du droit de la concurrence de l’Union européenne : questions d’actualité et perspectives (V. Giacobbo & Chr. Verdure, éditeurs), Larcier, Bruxelles, 2017, pp. 349 -383 (res judicata and primacy of EU law)
- Chronique de jurisprudence européenne - Aides d’État (2011-2015), Chapitre 1 – Les règles de fond, Cahiers de droit européen, 2016/2, pp. 687 – 827 (a comprehensive review of the EU case law on State aid), with Marianne Dony
- Key Developments in State Aid Law - 2015 (with Mateo Domecq), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 135-149
- Key Developments in State Aid Law - 2014 (with Jan Blockx, Sofia Doudountsaki & Jaime Rodriguez-Toquero), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, 2015, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 210-217
- Recent Developments in State Aid Law - 2013 (with Peter Citron, Mateo Domecq and Tom Mylrea-Lowndes), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, 2014, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 53-61
- Chronique "Aides d'Etat" - Application des règles sur les aides d'Etat dans des affaires concernant la Belgique (juridictions belges et européennes, Commission européenne) - Années 2011-2013 (with Jan Blockx), Tijdschrift voor Belgische Mededinging - Revue de la Concurrence Belge (TBM-RCB), 2014-4, pp. 301-334
- Round up of EU Competition Law Developments - 2012 (with Peter Citron), Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, 2013, Vol. 4, No. 2, 192-198
- Recovery of Unlawful State Aid and Determination of Beneficiaries: Guidance for National Courts, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, OUP, Vol. 3, No. 5, 2012 (case comment on the Residex ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 8 December 2001)
- Chronique de jurisprudence européenne – 2008-2010 – Aides d’Etat, Cahiers de droit européen, 2012/2, pp. 679-765 (a comprehensive review of the EU case law on State aid), with Marianne Dony
- La récupération des aides illégales et incompatibles - Un tour d'horizon sélectif de la jurisprudence européenne depuis la communication « récupération » de 2007 de la Commission européenne, Concurrences, n° 1/2012, pp. 73-86
- The Scope of Judicial Review in EU Economic Cases, in Proceedings of the 2010 Annual conference of the GCLC on EU Judicial Review, Bruylant, 2012, pp. 73 – 83
- Round up of key EU competition developments - 2011, Journal of European Competition Law & Practice, Oxford University Press, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2012, pp 217-222
Since 2012:
- Le concept de “bénéficiaire” en matière de récupération d’aides d’Etat illégales et incompatibles (The “beneficiary” concept in the recovery of unlawful and incompatible State aid) published in “L’Europe au kaléidoscope”, Liber Amicorum Marianne Dony, Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2019
- Introduction (2019 edition) to State Aid Know-How, Global Competition Review (GCR), Jacques Derenne & Dimitris Vallindas (co-authors), 2019
- Belgian Chapter in Getting the Deal Through: State Aid 2019 (with Dimitris Vallindas), 2019
- Introduction (2018 edition) to State Aid Know-How 2018, Introduction (with Dimitris Vallindas) Global Competition Review (GCR), September 13, 2018, pp. 2-9
- Belgian Chapter in Getting the Deal Through: State Aid 2018 (with Dimitris Vallindas), 2018, pp.14-22
- State aid chapter in European Commentary Law, A Case Commentary, Second Edition, W. Verloren van Themaat & Berend Reuder, co-eds, Elgar Commentaries, 2018, pp. 1024, spec. pp. 216-290
- Belgian Chapter in Getting the Deal Through: State Aid 2017 (with Dimitris Vallindas), pp. 1-7
- Antitrust damages in EU law and policy, Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), College of Europe, GCLC Annual Conference Series n°5, Jacques Derenne, Eric Morgan de Rivery & Nicolas Petit (co-editors) and author of the introduction, Bruylant, 2015, pp. 185
- Sourcebook on EU Competition Law 2015, (State aid chapter) in Les Codes thématiques Larcier, 5th Ed. 2015
- European Competition Law. A Case Commentary, State aid chapter, Verloren van Themaat Weijer and Reuder Berend (eds), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014, pp. 870
- Competition Law in times of Economic Crisis : in Need of Adjustment?, Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), College of Europe, GCLC Annual Conference Series n° 4, Massimo Merola, Jacques Derenne & José Rivas (co-editors), and coordinator of the Chapter on “State aid and the financial crisis”, Bruylant, 2013, pp. 649
- The Role of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Competition Law Cases, GCLC Annual Conference Series n° 2, Massimo Merola & Jacques Derenne (co-editors), and author of “The Scope of Judicial Review in EU Economic Cases”, Bruylant, 2012, pp. 250
Antitrust Law Blog Posts
- "The EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation: New Rules for All Companies Active in the EU," August 2, 2023
- "The European Commission Adopts a Proposal for a Regulation on Foreign Subsidies Distorting the Internal Market," May 14, 2021
"The European Commission Adopts White Paper on Foreign Subsidies – A Trend Towards Protectionism on a Global Level?" August 21, 2020
- "COVID-19 is Not a “Get Out of Jail Free Card” from EU Competition Law," March 24, 2020
"COVID-19 Outbreak and Adjusted EU State Aid Control," March 23, 2020
- "International Arbitration, Investment Protection and EU State Aid Rules: the General Court of the EU Annuls the European Commission’s State Aid Decision in the Micula Case," June 24, 2019
- "Loan Syndication and EU Competition Law," December 17, 2018
- "Top 12 EU Legal Developments to Watch in 2017," January 23, 2017
- "Brexit, Here We Come (or Go)," June 24, 2016
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Law Blog
"Blockchain and EU Competition Law," January 8, 2021
Global Trade Law Blog Posts
- "2018 EU Trade, Regulatory and Competition Trends," February 8, 2018
Real Estate, Land Use & Environmental Law Blog Posts
Media Mentions
Speaking Engagements
- Speaker, “Key legal issues from environmental and competition lawyers,” Access to Justice and Public Participation in Environmental Matters in EU Member States Concerning Decisions on State Aid, May 31, 2023
- Speaker, Association of Belgian Bars (avocats.be), "The Application of EU State Aid Law by National Courts," June 21, 2022
- Speaker, Chair, and Organizer, Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2021, October 21-22, 2021
- GCR Connect: State Aid Panel, “State Aid and the Pandemic," September 21, 2021
- ERA State aid Litigation webinar, presented on Enforcement of State aid Law in national court proceedings (focus on recovery), 12 February 2021
- 118th GCLC Virtual Lunch Talk, moderated a panel on the first judgments on Covid-19 State aid decisions: Ryanair v Commission, March 30, 2021
- State aid webinar, presented on State aid and COVID-19 at Concorrenze, an Italian-based competition think-tank organization, January 21, 2021
- Alternative modes and competition law webinar, presented on so-called settlement procedures before the European Commission organized by various Paris universities, January 18, 2021
- Chaired the 2020 Digital Edition of the Advanced EU Competition Law Covid-19 & Competition Law Focus Day and presented on State Aid & Covid-19 with Greek and Hungarian officials, webinar, September 7, 2020
- Covid-19, Green Deal, Brexit, State Aid responses in times of crisis webinar, presented on the Enforcement of EU State Aid Law in National Court Proceedings at the Informa, July 2, 2020
- EUCLID webinar, presented on the European Commission’s White Paper dealing with the Distortive Effects Caused to the EU Single Market by non-EU Country Subsidies, June 25, 2020
- ERA webinar on EU State Aid Litigation, presented on the Enforcement of EU State Aid Rules in National Court Proceedings, June 19, 2020
- PaRR webinar, presented on the Covid-19 EU State Aid Rules, June 11, 2020
- AFEC (French competition law association) webinar, presented (with Olivier Guersent, director-general of DG Competition of the European Commission) on State Aid Aspects of the Covid-19 Crisis and on Future EU Competition Law Reforms, June 8, 2020
- Concurrences' Quarentine Webinar Series: State Aid in the COVID-19 Context, Paris, April 14, 2020
- Chaired the ERA Annual State aid conference and presented on EU Case Law Developments, Trier, Germany, November 14-15, 2019
- KNect365 International Tax Litigation Conference, presented on EU State Aid and Taxation, London, October 16, 2019
- Held EU competition law training seminars (ERA, supported by the European Commission) for French, Luxembourg and Belgian judges on EU State Aid Law Principles for National Courts, Paris (September 6, 2019), Brussels (September 27, 2019)
- KNect365 State Aid Litigation Conference, Recovery of Aid and other Procedural Developments, Brussels, July 4, 2019
- AFEC (Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence (AFEC) seminar), The Micula case and the interaction between investment protection arbitration and EU law, Paris, July 3, 2019
- Chillin’ State Aid Workshop, Selectivity and Advantage, Brussels, June 14, 2019
- EStALI Interactive Forum on European State Aid Law, The obligation to open the formal investigation procedure (is the Commission’s interpretation of “serious doubts” in line with that of the EU Courts?), Vienna, June 7, 2019
- IXAD (University of Lille), State aid, Lille, June 6, 2019
- 109th Global Competition Law Centre, College of Europe Lunch Talk, Commentated on Carole Maczkovics’ presentation on Competition enforcement priorities for the next European Commission: What should the next five years bring in antitrust, merger control and state aid?, Brussels, May 27, 2019
- ERA, State Aid Litigation Conference, Enforcement of State aid law in national courts proceedings, Brussels, May 24, 2019
- AFEC (Les droits de la concurrence d’une réforme à l’autre) at the Association Française d’Etude de la Concurrence seminar, Selected developments in EU State aid law, Paris, May 23, 2019
- University of Lille (IXAD), State aid, Lille, May 17, 2019
- Florence School of Competition Online Debate: The GB Capacity Market Standstill: What is Happening and Why?, Webinar, Investigating the Impact of the Tempus State Aid Judgment, April 17, 2019
- Comp Law at Knect365 Law, State Aid Developments, Brussels, April 9, 2019
- University of Lille (IXAD), Procedure of preliminary reference from national courts to the Court of Justice of the European Union, Lille, February 8, 2019
- 14th Annual Conference of the GCLC, The State aid system of remedies: distinction between prospective and restorative remedies, Brussels, January 31st , 2019
- Paris Commercial Court, Entretiens de la concurrence, L'organisation du procès devant le Tribunal de commerce (Belgique), November 23, 2018
- ERA, Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2018, Chairman and speaking on State aid post-Brexit: quo vadis? & Practical impact of recent case law: challenges for national administrations, courts and undertakings, Trier, November 8 and 9, 2018
- Knect365 International Tax Dispute Resolution & Litigation Summit 2018, State aid and tax rulings, London, October 9, 2018
- Brussels Summer School on EU Competition Law, General Introduction, Origins, Sources, Notion of Aid (general), Administrative Procedure and Role of National Courts, Brussels University, September 8, 2018
- Knect365 State aid, Brexit: What is the future of State aid in the UK? Brussels, July 5, 2018
- "Prospect of Brexit and EU Competition Law," 100th GCLC Lunch Talk, May 22, 2018
- ERA, EU State aid Litigation Public & private State aid enforcement, Brussels, May 18, 2018
- IADC (International Corporate Counsel College), 21st Century Government: Friend or Foe? How to work with it and around it, "Follow-up on follow-on actions" (implementation of the EU damage directive), Amsterdam, November 10, 2017
- ERA, Annual conference on European State aid law, Chairing the conference and speaking on the Role and impact of State aid rules in the Brexit negotiations: implications from the EU and UK standpoints, Trier, November 9, 2017
- ASAE (Association pour le suivi des aides d'Etat), Les droits des entreprises bénéficiaires d’aide d’Etat: dysfonctionnements et best practices nationales, Droits du bénéficiaires et interactions entre procédures juridictionnelles internes et procédures de la Commission européenne, Paris, November 8, 2017
- "The EU State Aid Law," New State Aid Law in Ukraine: Opportunities and Challenges, October 3, 2017
- "State Aid and Tax Rulings: Is There Really a Competition Issue?" New Frontiers of Antitrust 2017 Conference, June 26, 2017
- ERA, State aid proceedings and litigation, Recovery of unlawful and incompatible aid, Brussels, May 20, 2017
- Queen Mary University of London – Baker McKenzie Annual Conference, The EU State aid prohibition: a distortion of international competition? Speaking on export of EU State aid rules, Brussels, May 12, 2017
- "Brexit: Effects in EU and Asia in Competition Law," 6th Annual Global Competition Law Summit, Hong Kong, April 26, 2017
- Silicon Valley Association of General Counsel, "European Competition Law in the Nationalist Era: What You Need to Know at the Dawn of Divergence", April 21, 2017
- KULeuven – Studienamiddag “Staatssteun: de rechtspositie van steunverlenende overheden”: The passage from ex ante to ex post control: state of play, block exemption regulations and de minimis, Leuven, 31 March 2017
- Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC) of the College of Europe, The World Duty Free/Santander/Lübeck judgments of the CJEU: a welcome clarification or back to square one?, Selectivity and State aid, 88th lunch talk of the GCLC, Brussels, 6 March 2017
- French association for State aid monitoring (ASAE), French Business confederation (MEDEF), discussing State aid control in the EU in the context of globalization (international law, Brexit, Free Trade Agreement, Arbitration), February 20, 2017
- EBP & Sheppard Mullin, Marchés publics et aides d’Etat, co-organising, chairing and speaking at the EBP Public Procurement Conference; speaking on the interaction between public procurement and State aid, Brussels, 13 December 2016
- Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), College of Europe, chairing the 87th lunch talk of the GCLC - The Fate of Complaints in the post-Modernization Context: What Complainants Should Know, Brussels, 12 December 2016
- Master Class du Droit public de l'économie d'Assas, Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris 2), concurrence et aides d'Etat (speaking on latest State aid developments in 2016) , Paris, 8 December 2016
- GCR GCR Live State Aid, State aid in infrastructure investment (rail and road infrastructures), Brussels, 30 November 2016
- ERA, Academy of European Law, co-organizing and chairing the Annual State aid conference, Trier, Germany, 24-25 November 2016
- Cuckoo’s Nest/BootUp Ventures, Is Europe Still an Attractive Unified Market for U.S. Corporations? Successfully Expanding Into Europe, Palo Alto, 14 November 2016
- Stanford University, The Europe Center, The Future of Multi-National Corporate Taxation in the European Union –Impact of On-Going EU State Aid Investigations, Stanford, 14 November 2016
- Florence School of Regulation Energy Law Training, EU State Aid And The Energy Sector, Implications For Network Operators After The EEG State Aid Case, Brussels, 8 November 2016
- Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), College of Europe, chairing the 85th lunch talk on Merger Control Series (3) - Post mortem: Pitfalls for remedies and their implementation, Brussels, 24 October 2016
- Global Competition Law Centre (GCLC), College of Europe, chairing the 82nd lunch talk on Selectivity on Trial: a Critical Discussion of Recent State Aid Developments, Brussels, 8 July 2016
- LIDC, International League of Competition Law, Financial Services and Competition Law, State aid Aspects: From Rescue To Restructure, Geneva, 7 October 2016
- ERA, Academy of European Law, Summer Course on State aid, Trier, 8 July 2016
- European State aid Law Institute (Estali), Workshop on Tax Rulings Under State Aid Scrutiny, Brussels, 10 June 2016
- ERA, Academy of European Law, State aid proceedings and litigation - Recovery of unlawful and incompatible aid, Brussels, 19 May 2016
- Chillin’Competition Conference, Into Uncharted Territory – Panel presentation on State Aid Brussels, 19 November 2015
- IBC Conference,Competition Law and Regulation in the Energy Sector 2015 - Recent developments in State Aid, Brussels, 17 November 2015
- ERA, co-organising, chairing and speaking at the Annual State aid conference - Tax rulings and State aid - Recovery of State aid, latest developments, Trier, Germany, 12-13 November 2015
- ERA, Summer course on competition law, course on State aid, Trier, Germany, 10 July 2015
- ERA, State aid proceedings and litigation, Recovery of unlawful aid, Brussels, 21 May 2015
- Association pour l'étude du droit de la concurrence (Belgian association for the study of competition law) - State aid modernisation, Brussels, 16 December 2014
- French National Assembly - Testifying as EU State aid expert before the Committee of Economic Affairs on the international dimension of EU State aid control in the context of the needs for innovation within the international competition between regions of the world, Paris, 10 December 2014
- ERA, Co-organising, chairing and speaking at the Annual State aid conference -Recent case law on notion of aid, role of national courts, impact of financial crisis State aid modernisation: the way forward, Trier, Germany, 13-14 November 2014
- Revue Concurrences, State Aid workshop on the new EU guidelines for rescue and restructuring aid, Brussels, 4 November 2014
- ERA, summer course on EU State aid rules at the ERA Summer Course on EU Competition Law, Trier, Germany, 11 July 2014
- Brussels School of Competition and Liège Competition and Innovation Institute (BSC-LCII) - Chairing a conference on commitments under EU competition law, Brussels, 5 June 2014
- French Association for the Study of Competition Law, AFEC, University of Versailles and the Paris Commercial Court -– La Réparation des dommages concurrentiels en France et en Europe: état des lieux et changements à venir – Speaking on antitrust damages actions, and the new EU directive, Paris, 13 May 2014
- PubAffairs Bruxelles – Chairing a panel debate on the notion of aid (with Clemens Kerle, DG COMP and Bertrand Jéhanno, French State) - Consultation on the draft notice on the notion of State aid launched by the Legal Service and DG COMP of the European Commission, Brussels, 4 March 2014
- Academic Teaching
- University of Liège (since 2006) - Le droit des aides d'Etat, LL.M on Competition and IP law
- Brussels School of Competition (since 2011) - The Law and Economics of State Aid (with Joachim Wiemann, DG COMP, European Commission and Vincent Verouden, E.CA Economics, former deputy Chief Economist for State aid, DG COMP)
- University of Lille (since 2015) - Teaching élèves-avocats (Lille Bar - IXAD Ecole des Avocats Nord-Ouest, Faculté de Droit) on the procedure of preliminary reference from national courts to the Court of Justice of the European Union
Avocat, member of the Brussels and Paris Bars
Professor (chargé de cours à temps partiel), University of Liège
Professor, Brussels School of Competition
Digital Media
Digital Media
College of Europe, Bruges, 1988
University of Liège, Belgium, 1987
- Brussels, Belgium
- France (Paris Bar)
- English
- French