Nota Bene Episode 54: My Two Cents: Healthcare Industry Consolidations, Climate Change Regulations, Governance Crisis Management, Tech and the Music Industry, and Government Check-In


In this recap episode, host Michael Cohen extracts the valuable lessons shared by our guests in the prior 5 episodes. He offers his two cents about the practical advice shared by our guests to help the C-Suite understand the legal, political, and economic underpinnings impacting the 21st intercontinental business landscape in which they operate.

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In Episodes 49, we addressed the economics of healthcare consolidation with Dr. Susan Manning. Susan shared how the healthcare sector is redefining its mission and discussed the increase in consolidation in this space. For such a powerful industry, where can accountability be found?

In Episode 50, we discussed who is filling the international divergence in climate change regulation with Nico van Aelstyn. Nico explained the current administration’s rollbacks of the prior administration’s regulations and how local and subnational governments are stepping up to address climate concerns. Are the states divided when it comes to climate issues? What can be done?

In Episode 51, we explored the four fundamentals of a corporate governance crisis with John Tishler. John addressed the challenge of a crisis within the C-Suite itself relating to governance of the organization. He also shared the four fundamentals of how to handle this type of sudden event.

In Episode 52, we tackled technology and the changing music industry with Sid Fohrman. As one of the U.S.’s top music attorneys, Sid joined us to describe the resurgence in the music industry driven by technology. He also discussed the fascinating change in the relationship between various players in the music industry.

In Episode 53, we conducted our quarterly check-in on the U.S. Congress and U.S. Executive Branch with Elizabeth Frazee and Jon Meyer. Elizabeth and Jon discussed the impeachment process and its likely affect on getting anything done in government, including the USMCA negotiations and governmental fiscal decisions.  

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