- The Transportation Antitrust Update, 12.06.2007
- The National Law Journal, 12.03.2007
- Human Resources, 12.01.2007
- Connecticut and San Francisco are paving the way in requiring all employers to give paid sick leave.Human Resources 2008 - Winter Edition, 12.01.2007
- California Environmental Insider
- The Material Adverse Change ClauseThe Deal, 11.14.2007
- 11.06.2007
- The Hollywood Reporter, 11.06.2007
- Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 11.01.2007
- Lexis China Review, 11.01.2007
- AsiaLaw, 11.01.2007
- San Diego Daily Transcript, 10.31.2007
- Why DOT Found Unjust Discrimination Against Airlines at LAX But Not at NewarkCCH Issues in Aviation Law and Policy ¶ 20,431, 10.31.2007
- Los Angeles Daily Journal, 10.30.2007
- Can search engines and credit card companies be secondarily liable?New York Law Journal, 10.29.2007
- Those Wanting More Disclosure Need to Recall the Reasons for Earlier ChangesLegal Times, 10.08.2007
- Installment Fee Class Action10.03.2007
- China Law & Practice, 10.01.2007
- Orange County Business Journal
- Bloomberg Law Reports, 09.10.2007
- Words to the Wise: Notes a fourth-year associate wishes she could have given to her first-year self.09.01.2007
- California Employment Law, 09.01.2007
- China Legal Review, 09.01.2007
- Real Property Law, Vol. 30, 09.01.2007
- The Corporate Counselor, Published by the Corporate Law Departments Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association, 09.01.2007
- Copyright World, 09.2007
- New York Law Journal, 08.16.2007
- Companies in joint ventures need to prepare for a parting of the waysThe Recorder, 08.15.2007
- A burst of reform is changing the country’s reputation as a clubby, protectionist economy.The National Law Journal, 07.30.2007
- New Matter, 07.02.2007
- Public Contract Law Journal
- Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association, 06.08.2007
- 06.06.2007
- 06.01.2007
- 72 Journal of Air Law and Commerce 351, 05.31.2007
- 05.29.2007
- The National Law Journal, 05.21.2007
- 04.28.2007
- With 4th Circuit decision, new uncertainty about injunctions extends to copyright cases.04.23.2007
- Daily Journal, 04.18.2007
- Legal Times, 04.16.2007
- 04.09.2007
- Companies Should Go Back to the Basics When Licensing Intellectual Property Assets04.05.2007
- San Francisco Daily Journal, Vol. 113, No. 60, 03.28.2007
- 03.19.2007
- MergerMarket, 03.06.2007
- 03.05.2007
- 02.28.2007
- Los Angeles County Bar Association, 02.27.2007
- 02.06.2007
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