Bloomberg, 01.12.2012
Law360, 01.04.2012
Law360, 12.13.2011
Law360, 12.07.2011
Law360, 12.07.2011
日系産業新聞, 11.07.2011
World Export Control Review, 11.2011
Law360, 10.18.2011
Law360, 10.14.2011
San Diego Daily Transcript, 10.13.2011
Law360, 08.12.2011
MMFX exits Chapter 11
Daily Deal/The Deal, 08.12.2011
Daily Journal, 07.27.2011
MMFX Steel set to exit in August
Daily Deal/The Deal, 07.27.2011
Law360, 07.07.2011
Law360, 07.06.2011
Daily Journal, 05.11.2011
Los Angeles Daily Journal, 04.22.2011
Feds Think Small In Bribery Trial
Los Angeles Business Journal, 04.04.2011
Corporate Crime Reporter, 03.28.2011
Law360, 03.16.2011
MMFX wins access to reduced DIP
Daily Deal/The Deal, 03.03.2011
Daily Journal, 02.23.2011
Daily Journal, 02.23.2011
Featuring Chairman of the Firm Guy Halgren
Daily Journal, 02.09.2011
Daily Journal, 02.09.2011
Daily Journal, 02.09.2011
Developing California in Good Times and Bad
Daily Journal, 02.09.2011
Daily Journal, 02.09.2011
Law360, 02.03.2011
False Claims Act – Special Report "Federal Procurement Trends for 2011": Practitioners Say Expansion of FCA Liability, Congressional Oversight Means 'Open Hunting Season' on Contractors
BNA Federal Contracts Report, 01.24.2011
Corporate Board Member, 01.2011
MMFX seeks final clearance to use DIP
Daily Deal/The Deal, 12.23.2010
MMFX Steel joins Canadian affiliates in Ch. 11
Daily Deal/The Deal, 12.14.2010
Playing to Play Gets Costly
San Francisco Business Times, 09.23.2010
California's Leading Attorneys of 2010
Daily Journal, 09.22.2010
The Recorder, 08.18.2010
Daily Journal, 08.18.2010
Law360, 07.28.2010
California lawyers companies turn to first
Daily Journal, 07.14.2010
California lawyers companies turn to first
Daily Journal, 07.14.2010
Sheppard Mullin's Halgren
Law360, 06.18.2010
Law360, 06.08.2010
New York Times, 05.25.2010
Daily Journal, 05.12.2010
Partner Carlo Van den Bosch Named One of 75 Leading IP Litigators
Daily Journal, 04.17.2010
Law360, 04.01.2010
Law360, 04.01.2010
Government Executive, 04.01.2010
Sacramento Citizens Concerned About the Railyards v. City of Sacramento; Downtown Plaza v. City of Sacramento
Daily Journal, 02.03.2010