Law360, 05.04.2018
iGaming Times, 05.2018
Mylan Settles With Most Insurers In $67M Antitrust Appeal
Law360, 05.02.2018
Law360, 05.01.2018
Law360, 04.30.2018
Sports Facilities and the Law, 04.2018
The Deal, 04.20.2018
Variety, 04.20.2018
Society for Human Resource Management, 04.19.2018
PaRR, 04.19.2018
World Intellectual Property Review, 04.17.2018
World Trademark Review, 04.17.2018
Law360, 04.16.2018
The Texas Lawbook, 04.16.2018
Texas Lawyer, 04.16.2018
Diversity and the Bar Magazine, Spring 2018
Diversity and the Bar Magazine, Spring 2018
Courts Remain Skeptical of FCA Statistical Arguments
Law360, 04.10.2018
Law360, 04.09.2018
Global Competition Review, 04.05.2018
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New York Times, 03.25.2018
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Law360, 03.21.2018
MWI Case Shows the False Claims Act Needs a Change
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HTC Beats $45M Virtual Reality Patent Suit, For Now
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Law360's Weekly Verdict: Legal Lions & Lambs
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Daily Journal, 03.14.2018
9th Circ. Clears Starbucks In Underfilled Iced Drink Suit
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Law360, 03.12.2018
Bloomberg Law, 03.08.2018
Bloomberg Law, 03.08.2018
Kaiser Dodges Some Claims In Suit Over Excess Skin Surgery
Law360, 03.07.2018
Apple, Samsung Fight Qualcomm Bid For Confidential Deal
Law360, 03.07.2018
Bloomberg Law, 03.06.2018
New York Law Journal, 03.06.2018
New York Law Journal, 03.02.2018
Refinery 29, 03.02.2018
Legal News Line, 02.27.2018
UPS Sues Over Deal Block
Global Competition Review, 02.26.2018
The Recorder, 02.23.2018
Chu v. Mercury Casualty Company
Daily Journal, 02.21.2018
Featuring ACETEC Fellows Adam Streisand and Linda Retz
ACTEC Trust & Estate Talk Podcast, 02.20.2018
Wickr GC Says 'Waymo v. Uber' Had 'Very Positive Result' for Ephemeral Messaging
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Notable Hires and Promotions for New York Attorneys
New York Law Journal, 02.15.2018