175 Sheppard Mullin Attorneys Rated AV Preeminent by Martindale-Hubbell
The following Sheppard Mullin attorneys have attained Martindale-Hubbell’s highest rating, AV Preeminent: Michael Ahrens, Edward Anderson, Kenneth Anderson, Donna Andrews, Philip Atkins-Pattenson, Elizabeth Balfour, Charles Barker, Robert Beall, John Berchild, Brenda Bissett, Will Bollard, John Bonn, David Bosko, Lawrence Braun, James Brueggemann, Richard Brunette, Terrence Budny, Jim Burgess, Steven Cardoza, Kenneth Carl, Justine Casey, Bruce Casino, James Chadwick, David, Chidlaw, John Chierichella, Gary Clark, Theodore Cohen, John Collins, Robert Copeland, Joseph Coyne, Andre Cronthall, Guylyn Cummins, James Curry, Bryan Daly, Robert Darwell, Brian Daucher, Judy Davidoff, Phillip Davis, Dean Demetre, Charles Donovan, Domenic Drago, Dana Dunwoody, Timothy Epp, Lawrence Eppley, Frank Falzetta, Alan Feld, Richard Freeman, Geraldine Freeman, David Garcia, Joanne Garvey, David Geneson, Randolph Godshall, Joseph Gorman, Laurence Gould, Jerry Gumpel, Guy Halgren, Gary Halling, Harold Hamersmith, Peter Hecker, John Hentrich, Don Hibner, Thomas Hopkins, Nancy Howard, John Hussey, Tracey Kennedy, Michael Kiely, Richard Kintz, Donald Klawiter, Roger Klein, Eric Klein, Edwin Komen, Stephen Korniczky, Charles Kreindler, Greg Labate, David Lanferman, Helen Lauderdale, Thomas Glen Leo, Brent Liljestrom, James Lonergan, Gregory Long, Richard Lotts, Edward Lozowicki, David Maddux, David Madway, Robert Magielnicki, Paul Malingagio, William Manierre, Alan Martin, Candace Matson, Theodore Max, James McCarney, David McCarty, Elizabeth McDaniel, Otis McGee, James McGinnis, Anna McLean, Peter Menard, Greggory Mendenhall, Paul Metzger, Scott Miller, James Mittermiller, Michael Moore, Peter Morris, Pamela Naughton, Rick Needham, Christopher Neils, Jerold Neuman, Thomas Nevins, Jon Newby, Kenneth O'Brien, Sean O'Connor, Joel Ohlgren, Prentice O'Leary, Jeffrey Parker, Don Pelto, Anne Perry, Jill Pietrini, Robert Philibosian, John Ponder, Terrence Ponsford, Neil Popovic, Maria Pracher, Fred Puglisi, Jennifer Redmond, Peter Reichertz, Russell Reid, Nancy Reimann, Paul Reitler, Matthew Richardson, Robert Rose, Deborah Rosenthal, Scott Roybal, Jack Rubens, Ronald Ryland, Steven Sacks, David Sands, Betty Santohigashi, Robert Sbardellati, Edward Schiff, John Sears, Pierce Selwood, Randal Short, Sheldon Siegel, Richard Simmons, John Simon, James Slaby, Dianne Smith, Martin Smith, Joan Story, Robert Stumpf, David Sunkin, Mary Tarduno, Finley Taylor, Stephen Taylor, Robert Thompson, John Tishler, Polly Towill, Amy Tranckino, Richard Troop, David Ulich, Robert Uram, Carlo Van den Bosch, Randolph Visser, Edward Vogel, Karin Vogel, Kirk Wallace, Pamela Westhoff, Tara Wilcox, Robert Williams, Geoffrey Willis, Michael Wilmar, Alan Winick, William Wyatt, John Yacovelle and Ken Yood.
The Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Ratings have been an integral part of Martindale-Hubbell's services to the legal community since 1887. The Peer Review Rating process which evaluates lawyers in the United States and Canada is solely based upon peer review. A Martindale-Hubbell Peer Review Rating attests to a lawyer's legal ability and professional ethics, and reflects the confidential opinions of the bar and the judiciary.
- Donna R. Andrews
- Elizabeth S. Balfour
- Charles F. Barker
- Robert S. Beall
- Lawrence M. Braun
- Richard W. Brunette, Jr.
- Steven Warren Cardoza
- Justine M. Casey
- David B. Chidlaw
- John W. Chierichella
- Theodore A. Cohen
- John D. Collins
- Joseph F. Coyne, Jr.
- Andre J. Cronthall
- Bryan D. Daly
- Robert A. Darwell
- Brian M. Daucher
- Domenic C. Drago
- Timothy L. Epp
- Lawrence C. Eppley
- Frank Falzetta
- Alan M. Feld
- Geraldine Ann Freeman
- Richard M. Freeman
- Jerry J. Gumpel
- Guy N. Halgren
- Gary L. Halling
- Hal Hamersmith
- Nancy Howard
- Tracey A. Kennedy
- Richard L. Kintz
- Eric A. Klein
- Edwin Komen
- Stephen S. Korniczky
- Charles L. Kreindler
- Greg S. Labate
- James A. Lonergan
- Robert L. Magielnicki
- Paul Malingagio
- Alan H. Martin
- Candace L. Matson
- Theodore C. Max
- Anna S. McLean
- James J. Mittermiller
- Michael R. Moore
- Jon W. Newby
- Kenneth A. O'Brien, Jr.
- Sean P. O'Connor
- Jeffrey J. Parker
- Don J. Pelto
- Anne Bluth Perry
- Jill Pietrini
- John E. Ponder
- Neil A.F. Popović
- Jennifer G. Redmond
- Nancy Baldwin Reimann
- Paul M. Reitler
- Robert D. Rose
- Scott F. Roybal
- Jack H. Rubens
- David H. Sands
- Robert G. Sbardellati
- Edward F. Schiff
- Randal B. Short
- Richard J. Simmons
- Dianne Baquet Smith
- Martin J. Smith
- Joan H. Story
- Robert J. Stumpf, Jr.
- David I. Sunkin
- Mary E. Tarduno
- John D. Tishler
- Polly Towill
- Amy L. Tranckino
- Richard E. Troop
- Carlo F. Van den Bosch
- Edward D. Vogel
- Karin Dougan Vogel
- Pamela L. Westhoff
- Tara Wilcox
- Alan C. Winick
- William R. Wyatt
- John A. Yacovelle