Words, phrases, designs, logos, and other commercial symbols used to identify products, services, or their producers in the marketplace can all be protected as trademarks, service marks, trade names, or trade dress. Your company name can be protected against the use of similar names by others. A color scheme or unique theme for a business or product packaging can be protected as trade dress. Sheppard Mullin's practice in these areas includes trademark and trade dress infringement, prosecution of domestic and international trademark and service mark applications, opposition and cancellation proceedings, and counseling clients concerning the selection, availability, and use of trademarks, service marks, trade names, and trade dress and enforcing attendant rights.
- Pouneh Almasi
- Zachary Alper
- Luciano Alvarado
- Jennifer Klein Ayers
- Martin Bader
- Tyler E. Baker
- Paul Bost
- Samuel G. Brooks
- Laura L. Chapman
- Irene Choe
- Anne-Marie D. Dao
- David W. Deal
- Jonathan R. DeFosse
- Snehal Desai
- Julian Ellis
- Darren M. Franklin
- Paul W. Garrity
- Don Geiger
- Eric K. Gill
- Bradley C. Graveline
- Robert Green
- Michael R. Heimbold
- Michael K. Heins
- David E. Heisey
- Steven P. Hollman
- Michael J. Hopkins
- Robert E. Hough II
- Rachel Tarko Hudson
- Susan M. Hwang
- Michelle D. Kahn
- Edwin Komen
- Stephen S. Korniczky
- Chelseaa Larsen
- Jonathan Marina
- Lisa M. Martens
- Robert M. Masters
- Hal Milstein
- Kazim A. Naqvi
- Hyo Jin Paik
- Yasamin Parsafar
- Gazal Pour-Moezzi
- Ana C. Ramirez
- Mark T. Ratway
- Kent R. Raygor
- Jesse A. Salen
- Daniel E. Schnapp
- Ericka J. Schulz
- Abraham J. Shanedling
- Marc A. Sockol
- James W. Soong
- Ximena Solano Suarez
- Liisa M. Thomas
- Carlo F. Van den Bosch
- Brittany Walter
- Joshua Weisenfeld
- Chante B. Westmoreland
- Ilona M. Wheat
- Michelle LaVoie Wisniewski
- Daniel N. Yannuzzi
- Samantha Young