Sheppard Mullin has advised clients with respect to a broad range of transactions involving various types of "corporate partnering" arrangements.
We have in-depth expertise in structuring and negotiating joint ventures and strategic alliances (whether a start-up company, a privately held business, a public corporation or other form of joint enterprise) for resource and product acquisition, distribution, development, infrastructure development, market penetration and risk sharing purposes. We advise on all related ancillary agreements, such as marketing, distribution, license and supply agreements.
Structuring and negotiating these very complicated transactions requires, in addition to legal guidance and counseling, substantial business acumen and experience; all of which we have garnered through the depth of our experience in these transactions. Our expertise ranges from start to finish including the formation, operation, dispute resolution and potential liquidation of the enterprise. Our proven track record in advising clients to select the right joint ownership structure and negotiate all related agreements has allowed us to close these transactions efficiently and economically.
In addition, our attorneys regularly advise clients on the creation of investment fund partnerships. We also serve as counsel to clients faced with financial challenges and have advised on restructurings and recapitalizations, among other potential opportunities for our clients to remain solvent and productive. In the unfortunate event that a dispute arises and cannot be resolved, our Litigation attorneys can step in to successfully resolve these problems both in and out of court.
- Katharine E. Allen
- Segun Aluko
- Carol Archer
- Lauren J. Ash
- Daniel Belzer
- Brandon Beshay
- Jeryl A. Bowers
- Lawrence M. Braun
- Stephen A. Cohen
- Sean Crowe
- Elizabeth Cully Chase
- Aytan Dahukey
- David W. Deal
- A.J. S. Dhaliwal
- Anne B. Easton
- Lawrence C. Eppley
- Andrew M. Felner
- Luke Fishman
- Richard A. Friedman
- Jeffrey S. Gardner
- Shon E. Glusky
- John F. Golembesky
- Lauren Grubb
- Jordan E. Grushkin
- Jerry J. Gumpel
- John R. Hempill
- Christine Hourcade-Hoefliger
- David M. Hymer
- Linda Igarashi
- Jeffrey A. Kaye
- Phil Kim
- Andrew S. Kreider
- Stephen R. LaSala
- Alexander Lazar
- Lyle W. LeBlang
- Jennifer Lee
- Sangjun (Jay) Lee
- Malika Levarlet
- Leonard Lipsky
- Mehul N. Madia
- Robert L. Magielnicki
- Matthew A. McCalip
- Carrie C. McNally
- Linda Giunta Michaelson
- Scott A. Morehouse
- Mark T. Okuma
- Michael D. Orlando
- Nika B. Palama
- Peter D. Park
- Daniel H. Peters
- Laurette N. Petersen
- Steve Peterson
- Rambod Peykar
- Cedric A. Powell
- Andrea T. Ramos
- Sean Reid
- James F. Ritter
- Derek Rockers
- Brianna Rodriguez
- Sherwin F. Root
- Fernando Samayoa
- David H. Sands
- Alexander M. Schwartz
- Moorari K. Shah
- Daniel Shemano
- Karen Shilyan
- Joan H. Story
- Jeffrey Taylor
- James J. Thompson
- Tony Toranto
- Zachary M. Turke
- Doug Van Gessel
- Bijal N. Vira
- Pamela L. Westhoff
- Edward Xia
- Stephanie L. Zeppa
- Abbey Zhou