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Sheppard Mullin’s Women in Healthcare Leadership Collaborative (WHLC) is an exclusive national leadership initiative committed to supporting women who are currently in or are advancing into leadership positions within the healthcare and life sciences industries.

WHLC was established in response to significant gender disparity in institutional leadership in the healthcare industry. Despite constituting a vast majority of the workforce, women hold less than 20% of leadership positions, and only 4% of CEO positions.

Drawing upon Sheppard Mullin’s nationally-ranked healthcare practice, and the firm’s leadership in diversity and inclusion, WHLC provides women professionals access to networking opportunities and other resources that will support them as they progress in their careers. WHLC hosts regular roundtable discussions focusing on complex legal and business issues and cutting-edge innovation and developments in the healthcare industry, as well as professional skills training and development, and quality networking events connecting these professionals to other leaders in the industry. Sheppard Mullin hosts WHLC events in various locations across the country. 


Podcasts & Webinars


Our Members

Our Members

WHLC’s members include in-house attorneys, compliance officers, and women currently in and rising into C-suite and management positions. Our membership represents every sector of the healthcare industry, including providers (hospitals, academic medical centers, physician groups), health plans, digital and telehealth companies, DME, research institutions, community-based providers, clinically integrated networks, and life sciences and pharmaceutical companies.

Membership in WHLC is by invite only. If you or someone you know would like to join WHLC, please contact

Our Leadership

Our Leadership

WHLC was founded by Sheppard Mullin attorneys Amanda Zablocki and Danielle Vrabie. Both Amanda and Danielle are members of Sheppard Mullin’s healthcare industry team and serve as the Co-Chairs of WHLC. Amanda’s practice focuses on healthcare transactional and regulatory matters, while Danielle’s practice focuses on healthcare litigation.


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